Sunday, June 21, 2015

Through wheat fields with snow capped mountains in the back

On Saturday we left around 6:30, knowing we only had about 30 km for the day. For the first 17 km or so, we had nice views of snow-capped Pyrenees, which just don't show up in a picture because of the distance. 

The first part of the walk was either off road through fields or alongside an irrigation canal. The first town reported as having a bar was 12 km from where we started. We were there at 9, read the sign on the door that says "open at 9:00," waited a few minutes and went on. It was only 5 km more (almost all on asphalt, though) to a small town, Antillon, (140 inhabitants) with a municipally owned "social club", which means there is a meeting place in town. Luckily it was open so we had our coffee there. This is real luxury because with my electric coil, we always have s cup before we leave the albergue. 

From Antillon, we lost our view of the snow capped mountains and were clearly  in the Pre-Pyrenees, FINALLY, and after 10 more km in the sun but on nice ag tracks through fields with lots of harvesting going on, we arrived at our destination. 

Pueyo de Fananas is reported to have both an albergue and a club social where we could have a meal. Good thing, because we are virtually out of food.  Upon arrival, we heard the bad news that the club social had closed abruptly three days ago, leaving the town with no place serving food. The hospitalera very nicely brought us a loaf of bread and a box of eggs and sold us two beers for a euro, so we put our cooking skills to use and made an omelette sandwich. 

Like so many of these tiny Spanish rural towns, this one seems to be just barely alive. But we did meet a set of two month old twins as well as three or four children, so maybe there is still hope for the future of Pueyo de Fananas. 

We are set for the day, though I'm not sure how we'll fill the time till nightfall, but maybe a nap is in order. It would be my first this Camino. 

P. S. Thankfully there is no need to discuss blisters or other foot ailments (knock on wood). I have had two tiny very ones on my toes but feel extremely lucky that I have not had any real problems yet. 

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