Friday, June 5, 2015

To Figueres

I left my pensión about 6:30 and chugged up the 600 meters once again. This time I had my pack so I probably went a bit more slowly but the sun was behind the mountain almost the whole way up. The way down was steep and rocky. At one point I took a couple hundred meter detour to see a dolmen, beating my way through the overgrowth. When I got there, I realized the only difference between the dolmen and the huge rocks I was carefully navigating was that the dolmen was in a vertical position.  So that was my last megalithic detour on the way down. 

The rest of the way was pretty much at sea level, with a few little climbs to a pueblo on a hill. Three Romanesque churches and one small cloister (left standing without its accompanying monastery. Now of course it couldn't compare with yesterday's visit to Sant Pere but I was happy to see these places

I got to Figueres (Salvador Dalís birthplace and it took me about 45 minutes to find my cheap pensión.  No one had ever heard of the street. Finally one guy I asked called them to figure out where it was so I did finally arrive. 

I decided to eat a real meal and found a good-looking place with a 10 euro meal and wifi. So here I sit waiting for dessert. 

I'm trying to use my GPS but I somehow messed everything up right before I left. Luckily the camino is extremely well marked so it hasn't been a problem. I did try to record today's walk but the GPS told me I had walked 9,317 miles, so I am clearly not getting the hang of things. 

Short day tomorrow. I am doing fine, but I know I've just begun!  

1 comment:

  1. From the photo of desert I'd say you've became a real foodie :)
