Tuesday, June 9, 2015

To L'Esquirol

Today I went slow. It was not something I planned, just something that happened. When you overdo it one day, it's payback the next, and I think that's what happened to me. When I left the pension this morning I knew immediately that the only way I would enjoy this walk was by taking it easy. No particular ailments, just a general lazy feeling. Well that was ok with me, because I had nowhere to go except the Hostal Collsacabra in the sleepy town of L'Esquirol. The only thing weighing on my mind was the weather prediction. More thunderstorms in the forecast for the early afternoon. 

Well, the walk was just gorgeous. The first nine kilometers were on the railroad track bed and it was very gentle and pretty. After that, the Camino split off from the tracks, but I didn't know that so I lost a lot of time wandering around aimlessly. But finally I found the right trail.It was hard, hard, hard going up up up.  Even if I hadn't been dragging it would have been a challenge. 

Lots of elevation gain but a gorgeous view from the top.  

Or at least, what I thought was the top. Turns out that I had a lot more to ascend. I did it!  

Finally the downhill started. It was harder. Lots of rocky paths, oh so hard on the knees. When I got to the next town Ihad a nice long break drinking Fanta de Limón. And just enjoying the views. 

From there it was another 4 or 5 km down to the uninspiring town where I am tonight. But I have a bed and a shower so life is good. There was a lot of thunder nearby for those last few kms but I made it to the Hostal dry. When I got up to my room and opened the shade, this is what I saw. 


Today's  32 km walk was harder (and prettier) than yesterday's 42 km walk. I am resting and sending strengthening thoughts to my body. Short 24 km walk tomorrow and a detour to a monastery on the way into Vic! 

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