Tuesday, June 16, 2015

In the dusty town of Linyola

We had a long 40 km day today (I am icing my shins as I write this). We were on our way by 6:15. Rain rain rain. We arrived in the first big town of Tarrega after a couple of hours and had a very good cafe con leche. By then the rain had stopped and we had good weather the rest of the way. Very flat, one of those walks where you can see your destination miles and miles away. It was late and we were getting weary (well it's more accurate to say I was getting weary  because Lee was trucking away. 

There is a man in town with a place for pilgrims to stay. It is "basic" and to give you an idea of what it's like, when I asked  Lee if she was going to wash her clothes, she said no because the sink looked dirtier than her clothes. 

We are fine, have a shorter walk tomorrow, and are headed to a place where the albergue is described as in " good condition."  So we will hope to be able to wash clothes then!! 


  1. Looks like you are having fun there...;-)
    I'm off on Tuesday, still snow in the mountains so I'm packing winter things.

  2. Clean clothes are overrated anyway.
